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Name Description
Endpoints The list of endpoints
Structures How to form data structures


Method Endpoint Request data
GET /  
GET /forms token: str guild: int
GET /responses token: str guild: int
GET /in/{guild}  
POST /upload OPTIONAL token: str service: str service_url: str data: JSON


Gets the bots response time, in seconds


Lists all forms in a guild

  "token": "str - The authorisation token. This endpoint is private, you must request an API key from PineappleFan",
  "guild": "int - The guild to get forms from"


Lists all responses in a guild
Lists all forms in a guild

  "token": "str - The authorisation token. This endpoint is private, you must request an API key from PineappleFan",
  "guild": "int - The guild to get responses from"


Checks if the bot is in a specific guild


Uploads a form to the bot for a custom service
Lists all forms in a guild

  "token": "str - The authorisation token. This endpoint is private, you must request an API key from PineappleFan",
  "service": "str - The name of your service, e.g. Google Forms",
  "service_url": "str - The link to your service, e.g.",
  "data": "JSON - A ClicksForms form object"


Form data

Form data is a JSON object, with required and optional arguments

Name Optional Type Default Description
active True bool True If users can apply to the form once downloaded
anonymous True bool False If the form should be anonymous (usernames not shown to admins)
name False str   The title of the form
description True str None The description of the form
required_roles True list[int] [] A list of roles required to complete the form
disallowed_roles True list[int] [] A list of roles that will stop users completing the form
given_roles True list[int] [] A list of roles given to users when the form is completed, or when accepted
removed_roles True list[int] [] A list of roles removed form users when the form is completed or when accepted
auto_accept True bool False If roles should be applied as soon as the form is completed
questions False list[question]   The list of questions on the form


Questions are a JSON object

Name Optional Type Default Description
type False questionType   The type of question
title False str   The title of the question
description True str None The description of the question
colour False colourString   The colour of the question embed
required False bool True If the question is required or not
options False questionData   The question specific data


Question types are one of the following strings

Name Description
text A text response
number An integer response
multichoice A list of options the user can choose a specified amount from
fileupload A file uploaded by the user
time A time response
date A date response
text-decoration Text shown to the user between questions
image-decoration An image shown to the user between questions
url-decoration A link button given to the user


Colour must be one of the following


Extra data about a question. All arguments are required

Question type Arguments
text min: int >= 1 max: int <= 2000
number min: int >= 2^32 max: int <= 2^32
multichoice min: int >= 1 max: int <= number of options options: MultipleChoiceOptions
fileupload None
time None
date None
text-decoration None
image-decoration url: str
url-decoration url: str


A dictionary of options


KEY - An integer 0 <= n <= 24

VALUE - ["title: str, 1 <= n <= 100", "description: str, 0 <= n <= 100"]